Friday, 6 September 2013

Feature Friday: SimsTabloid

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the tenth Feature Friday, where each week I showcase one of my favourite simmers.

This week it's another blogger! SimsTabloid, who is also a part of and the brains behind the Simmers Connect Blogging Network is this week's featured simmer. His site brings a range of news, opinions and interviews with various members of the community. Recently he has also recruited additional bloggers to write for his site.

In the lead up to The Sims 4 release, this is a site you need to check out, as he is committed to creating a fact file to keep the community up to date on all the news.

Here's how the interview with SimsTabloid went!

Blog Questions 
1. How long have you had your blog?  
I started my blog on the 20th June so I've had it for a few months now!
2. Out of all your blog posts, which is your favourite? 
I couldn't choose a favourite individual post! I do like my Sims 4 opinion posts that I did in August before Gamescom! But I loved doing my Simmers Summer Week where I talked to some of the biggest simmers and simmers on the rise as well as doing a few giveaways during the week too!
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your blog?  
Hmmm, I would just have to say all of the community! They're so fun to interact with that I thought maybe starting a blog will be another way to interact with the simming world, it's also really fun to run too!
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
By far Open For Business! I loved every aspect of it and it was such a thought through expansion that offered lots of new gameplay! And plus I just love making money in different ways for my sims and the business's aspect really appealed to me. 
2. What's your favourite SP?  
I don't own many stuff packs from either The Sims 2 or 3 mainly because I am quite content with items from expansions and I don't need CAS items as much, plus I have recently found the beauty of the store (even though its quite pricey)! I did love H&M Stuff for The Sims 2, I hope we get another fashion collaboration for The Sims 4, maybe a Topman/Topshop one would be cool.
3. What's your favourite world? 
Sunset Valley! While Pleasant View and Strangetown were good they didn't match up to Sunset Valley! Sunset Valley has it all and is in general a nice place to build and tell stories, it's full with everything you need but at the same time it is an empty canvas which can be adapted to add features from expansions easily! Bridgeport would come second just because I love a good city!
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 

YEAH! I have been waiting for an updated base game for ages now! I felt like Sims 3 lost some of the intelligence and charm that Sims 2 had! Hopefully sims are more intelligent and gameplay lasts longer in The Sims 4!
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
Hmmm, I would say a good 6 years, it's not long compared to other simmers though! I got introduced into the Sims when I was ten by my cousin who played the Sims 2! 
You can connect with SimsTabloid through the following links:

Thanks for reading this week's Feature Friday! This week's is the last one schedule for the moment, and it's up to you whether it returns! If you want to see Feature Friday continue, then send me a tweet, leave a comment or drop me an email letting me know! I'm leaving it's continuation up to the community. So if you'd like to see more Feature Fridays, vote to save it. I truly am grateful for anyone's feedback on this.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Simming Away Update

It's no secret (and it is probably obvious from my lack of tweets & posts) that I have been away from this community a lot lately. The only times I find myself checking Twitter at the moment is when someone directly contacts me on there. I'd just like to apologise for my absence and let you all know that I am still here - but just in the background! Unfortunately life outside of this community has been hectic and I just don't have the available time at this stage to work on my site or be active on Twitter.

I am missing it a lot, but I have to prioritise. I promise if you contact me, I will respond as soon as I can. For now, I'm still bringing you Feature Friday, RSOSS and TS3 Crib articles. I'm trying my best to keep to my main schedule.

I am however contemplating certain things about this site, including whether or not to continue doing Feature Friday. I am posing the questions to my readers (if I still have any left after my absence!): would you like to see Feature Friday continue?

I'm interested to hear any feedback and will really base my decision to continue or not on how the community responds.

For now, I hope to be back and joining you all again soon!

Feature Friday: Tazreen Tasnim

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the ninth Feature Friday! This week marks the end of the three Feature Fridays selected with the assistance of Weealbet and TheSimsBoi. It was great to get their input and to be able to work with them!

This week's featured simmer is Tazreen Tasnim! Her blog specialises in The Sims 3 Store Reviews. As I'm someone who doesn't really purchase from the store, it's great to have such a detailed reviewer on hand who I can learn about the store sets from, or find people information when they ask me. If you're looking for store set reviews, with detailed information including lots of screenshots, then you need to check out Tazreen's blog!

Her blog is fairly new, but has come such a long way in a short time, with lots of helpful reviews posted already! I truly appreciate simmers who are willing to take the time to give their honest opinion to benefit other simmers. This blog is turning into a great resource for any simmers looking to make an store purchases.

Tazreen participated in the weekly interview for Feature Friday. Here's how she answered!

Blog Questions 
1. How long have you had your blog?  
I have had my blog since July 31st, 2013.
2. Out of all your blog posts, which is your favourite? 
Hmm, that's a pretty hard question! I think out of all my blogs,Contemporary Comfort Living + Bedroom Review is my favorite! It took me a lot of time to finish that blog but I had fun doing it,and many people enjoyed reading it too.
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your blog?  
I have seen a lot of people doing Store reviews but I think Weealbet inspired me to start my blog! I like watching his reviews on YouTube,they are done perfectly.
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
Of course a lot of people know my favorite EP! It is The Sims 3 Late Night.I love every single feature that comes with it.I love nightlife-type EPs!
2. What's your favourite SP?  
My favorite SP is Outdoor Living and Katy Perry Sweet Treats! Haha,don't hate me for it. I love the dresses that come with KPST and the buy mode objects are nice too! It doesn't look that bad to me.
3. What's your favourite world? 
Awesome question! My favorite world is Bridgeport, without any doubt! I love skyscrapers,it's city that always shines! Everything is so amazing in Bridgeport,the clubs,bars,lounges and everything! It will always be my favorite world.
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
Yes,I am! It looks so good.I really can't wait for 2014 to come!
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
I have been a Simmer since 2000. Thank you, Simming Away for interviewing me and I want to thank you all for your support! <3 
You can connect with Tazreen through the following links:

Thank you for reading this week's Feature Friday! I must also extend a massive thank you to Weealbet and TheSimsBoi for their assistance over the past two weeks!

Thursday, 29 August 2013

RSOSS: Episode 4 - 'Gossip & Sun-Rays'

YouTube has been graced with the presence of Episode 4 of RSOSS. I can't believe that we're already halfway through season 1!

Image Created for Simming Away

If you missed the episode, you can catch up here!

Each week this show grows. The storyline becomes more complex, we meet new people and it just becomes even more captivating. There's a reason why the next episode is always so eagerly awaited, because we're left hooked and wanting more!

In this week's episode we see a change in location, to a world that I know many simmers out there love. This was a clever inclusion and a great move for connect with the simming viewers. I loved how it tied in with the concept of wanting to escape from drama, but is that really possible? A lot of parts of this week's episode were easily relatable to real life in some way. Anyone who has gone through drama within a group of friends or with a relationship will really be able to find links this week! Clever move.

By the looks of the previews for the next episode, there's a lot more to come. I'm really intrigued by the flash of Maria's life that we saw. Straight away an idea of what it could be popped into my head, so I can't wait to see whether I'm right!

This show will provide you with drama, humour, and of course some twists. If you're not already watching, you should definitely join the journey that is The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores, as I know you'll be hooked like so many in this community!

Stay tuned for the next episode on Wednesday September 11th at 6PM (ET).

Follow @RealSimWives on Twitter for all the updates.
Subscribe to RealSimWivesHD on YouTube to never miss an episode.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

TS3 Cribs: Episode 2 - 'Cribs in July'

On Friday the 23rd of August, the highly anticipated release of Episode 2 for TS3 Cribs arrived onYouTube!
Image Created for Simming Away

If you missed the episode, you can catch up here!

In the first episode I commented on how Majik selected two very different homes to showcase. In the second episode, he took this even further by including a houseboat. So far he has showcased 5 different homes, which is enabling him to tap into a wider array of builders from the simming community. Some of these simmers I had never heard of, so this series has been a great opportunity to discover some talent that has been hidden. I'm sure the opportunities for this will continue to roll in as the series carries on.

This is a series for the community. Each builder is being provided with a great opportunity to have their work shown off, aided by the continued use of first person view to conduct the tours. I know I'm not the only viewer who has noted the benefits of the first person view. A series that engages the audience like that is one that I want to keep watching.

Each fortnight a new episode is released, and the next episode is highly anticipated. This is really casting a spotlight across talented builders within the community and I can't wait to see which builders are picked next!

I absolutely adore the concept of this series!

Catch the next episode on September 6, 2013 at 12PM (EST)!

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Simming Away Interview on the Sims Tabloid!

Last week I was featured on Sims Tabloid's website as part of the 'Simmers Summer Week!' This involved an interview all about the The Sims, my site and the future.

You can check out the interview by clicking on the picture below! Thanks for the opportunity Sims Tabloid!

Friday, 23 August 2013

Feature Friday: KatelynGames

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the eighth Feature Friday, where each week I showcase one of my favourite simmers. This is the second of the three weeks that Weealbet and TheSimsBoi assisted with. They nominated a group of simmers and I've made selections from there.

This week's featured simmer is KatelynGames! I wish I had of spoken to her earlier than what I did, as she is incredibly kind and very supportive of not only myself, but many other simmers within the community. She is a very talented builder, which is what her channel is devoted to. Her building skills are amazing. Katelyn is destined for great things with her channel.

She is also currently running auditions for her new project, TS Design Star. I'm really intrigued by this new project and I can't wait to see it.

Here's how the interview went with Katelyn!

YouTube Questions 
1. How long have you had your channel?  
I’ve had my channel since July 5th, 2013. I’ve followed simmers on my personal account for years though.
2. Out of all your videos, which is your favourite? 
Hmm, I would say my favorite video would have to be 290 Mountain Lane, I made it for a good friend of mine, and I love the house myself! I also have a video coming out soon that may be my new favorite!
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your channel?  
Hmm, I guess I would have to say Chrill did! I love his houses, and his dedication to building. He’s the one who really inspired me to start making my own videos.
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
My favorite expansion would have to be Seasons, I think that it’s the pack that brings the most realism to the game!
2. What's your favourite SP?   
I don’t own any stuff packs, but I’m really thinking on buying the movie stuff pack. It would really help me with a video idea I have.
3. What's your favourite world? 
My favorite world would have to be Sunset Valley! I just love how it looks. I also love Monte Vista, even though I don’t have it!
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
I think I’ll watch a few LP’s before I buy it.  I may get it just to see if the houses look more realistic!
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
I’ve been a simmer for four years now!
You can connect with Katelyn through the following links!

Thank you for reading this week's Feature Friday!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Feature Friday: Freezer Bunny

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the seventh Feature Friday, where each week I showcase one of my favourite simmers. This week however, there is a twist! Firstly, this week I'm featuring a blogger for the first time, and this is also the first of the three weeks that Weealbet and TheSimsBoi assisted with. They nominated a group of simmers and I've made selections from there.

From pooling together our suggestions, this week's featured simmer is Freezer Bunny! Hannah is one very talented builder, who has a highly established studio on The Sims 3 site, as well as a great blog dedicated to her amazing creations.

I first found Hannah in this community through twitter, and I have since been blown away by what she has been able to create. With The Sims 4 on its way, I can't wait to see how she uses the new game for more creations.

Hannah participated in the weekly interview, this time with slightly modified questions to suit bloggers, instead of just YouTubers. Check out her answers below!

Blog Questions 
1. How long have you had your blog?  
I have had my blog since the 10th of July so it's just over a month old.
2. Out of all your blog posts, which is your favourite? 
My favourite would have to be either my blog post on Mermaid Cove or Tropical Retreat, which were the first two I wrote.
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your blog?  
Nothing really inspired me to start a blog, I just wanted to tell people about the details and design of my lots which was difficult to do on twitter. It also provided the opportunity for me to add multiple pictures of the lots which proved to be a huge bonus!
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
In The Sims it would have to be Unleashed. With The Sims 2 it was Bon Voyage and Pets. In the Sims 3 it is between Island Paradise, University Life and Pets. I can't choose between them as they are all so good.
2. What's your favourite SP?  
In The Sims 2 it was Teen Style Stuff and Ikea Stuff due to the amazing items that came with the packs. In The Sims 3 it would have to be Diesel Stuff. I almost always end up using the clothing or items that come with that SP. 
3. What's your favourite world? 
My favourite world would have to be Sunlit Tides from The Sims 3 Store. Its gorgeous and has plenty of empty lots to build on.
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
I'm almost certain that I'll get it, I've got every Sims game made to date so I don't think that the Sims 4 will be an exception.
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
I have been a simmer for about 11 years. My dad introduced me to the game back then and I have been a Simmer since.

You can check out Hannah's amazing work through the following links:

Thank you for reading this week's Feature Friday!

Thursday, 15 August 2013

RSOSS: Episode 3 - 'Time For a Getaway'

The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores is now three episodes into the first season. I'm loving the show so far, and I know I'm not alone with this. Through Twitter, YouTube and even chatting to many other simmers in this community, I know that it's a hit. If you're not watching it, you're missing out on one of the best projects in the community currently!

Image Created for Simming Away

The episodes in this series are really linking in well together, with each new episode answering the burning questions we were left with after the ones before. This makes the series quite addictive, as you just need to know what happens next! In addition to the story line from episode to episode, I've also noticed quality improvements to each. The quality of work and the effort that goes into this series, which is at outstanding levels, is really clear in the finished product that we get to see each fortnight on YouTube.

In episode 3, the drama has really heated up and I think we will be in for quite an adventure following the simwives for the remainder of the season. After this episode, I have been left pondering where we will be taken on this adventure, and I can't wait to see it.

The audience reaction and involvement with this series has been amazing so far. It is truly awesome to flick through the comments on YouTube and to see everyone discussing who their favourite simwives are. This really just reflects how well this show is engaging the viewers. Even changes to the simwives, including the voice of Britney, has been well received by the audience. All the voice actors behind this series do a wonderful job, and this really takes the show to a whole new level.

Each and every episode is highly anticipated and for good reason. It is yet to disappoint. This series just keeps getting better!

Stay tuned for the next episode on Wednesday August 28th at 12PM (ET).

Follow @RealSimWives on Twitter for all the updates.
Subscribe to RealSimWivesHD on YouTube to never miss an episode.

Monday, 12 August 2013

TS3 Cribs: Episode 1 - 'Art on the Shore'

On Friday the 9th of August at 12PM (EST), the wait was finally over as the first episode of TS3 Cribs launched on YouTube!

Image Created for Simming Away

If you missed the episode, you can catch up here!

I was blown away by the preview, so I had high expectations of the first episode. I wasn't disappointed. Majik has gone above and beyond with this episode and has kicked off this series brilliantly. He picked two very different homes to start the series off with, which I think made it interesting. I hope it is a sign on the variety of lots we're going to see throughout this series.

A notable feature of this series was the first person camera point of view. This a really clever way to conduct the tours of each of the houses as it kept it interesting and very engaging for the viewers. The concept of having a host also worked very well and tied in well with the voiceover.

It's clear that Majik has put a lot of hard work into this series. The first episode has just opened the door to a series that we're going to witness growing in front of our eyes. I cannot wait to see where this series is going to take us.

Catch the next episode on August 23, 2013 at 12PM (EST)!

Sunday, 11 August 2013

Two Months

Today marks 2 months since I launched Simming Away! I can't believe how quickly the time has gone, but I just wanted to take this as an opportunity to say thank you. It's a relatively short time compared to other sites, but I've had an absolute blast so far and have had so much happen already that I can't even believe.

I love being a part of this community. It has given me the opportunity to talk to so many awesome people and to discover incredibly talented members of this community. It started off with SimMemories as my first ever Twitter follower, and from there everything has just grown and I couldn't be happier or more thankful for the support I have received.

So far over the 2 months I've been able to launch 2 great partnerships that I'm really excited about. This is of course with The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores and TS3 Cribs (article for the first episode is coming at 12AM AEST). Both of these series are awesome and I am honoured to be partnered with them. Their hosts are incredible and I am super thankful to have had the opportunity to talk to and get to know them.

In addition to the partnerships, I also became a part of the Simmers Connect Blogging Network, with 3 great people.

One of my favourite things has been Feature Friday, which has featured Weealbet, RealSimWivesHD (TheSimsBoi), XSimmerLoveX, MajikSim, JulyKapo and SparklySimmer so far. I promise that I have a line up of more amazing people coming, including the final 3 for August with assistance from Weealbet and TheSimsBoi. Working with them was great and I can't wait for everyone to see the results.

Thank you everyone for the support so far. It has been an amazing ride that I want to keep ongoing! I have a lot up my sleeve for the future.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Feature Friday: SparklySimmer

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the sixth Feature Friday, where each week I showcase my favourite simmers.

SparklySimmer is this week's featured YouTuber! She is an up & coming simmer who currently posts Let's Plays, Create A Sim videos and more on her channel. It has been a pleasure chatting to her so far since launching this site and she has a great presence in this community. Her channel is only a few months old, but the strong basis she has set on her channel so far suggests that she's only going to get even better and continue to do great things, so her channel is one to watch!

As per the tradition of Feature Friday, SparklySimmer completed the weekly interview:

YouTube Questions 
1. How long have you had your channel?  
Since May 20th 2013
2. Out of all your videos, which is your favourite? 
My 4th of July inspired CAS.
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your channel?  
The Quxxn & Lifesimmer :)
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
Island Paradise
2. What's your favourite SP?  
3. What's your favourite world? 
Lucky Palms, although I don't own it haha
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
Most definitely YES!! Hands down!!
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
Well I'd always play The Sims and The Sims 2 on my PS2 so for many years now :) I don't know exactly though.
If you're yet to say hello to SparklySimmer or check out her channel, you can through the following links!

Thanks for reading this week's Feature Friday! 

Note: For the next 3 Feature Fridays (the last 3 Fridays in August), I have made some changes to how a simmer is selected! For the next 3 weeks, the selections for Feature Friday have been made with the assistance of Weealbet and TheSimsBoi, who have each nominated a group of people that I have chosen from. Thanks to them for getting involved and I can't wait for you all to see who has been selected!