Thursday, 15 August 2013

RSOSS: Episode 3 - 'Time For a Getaway'

The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores is now three episodes into the first season. I'm loving the show so far, and I know I'm not alone with this. Through Twitter, YouTube and even chatting to many other simmers in this community, I know that it's a hit. If you're not watching it, you're missing out on one of the best projects in the community currently!

Image Created for Simming Away

The episodes in this series are really linking in well together, with each new episode answering the burning questions we were left with after the ones before. This makes the series quite addictive, as you just need to know what happens next! In addition to the story line from episode to episode, I've also noticed quality improvements to each. The quality of work and the effort that goes into this series, which is at outstanding levels, is really clear in the finished product that we get to see each fortnight on YouTube.

In episode 3, the drama has really heated up and I think we will be in for quite an adventure following the simwives for the remainder of the season. After this episode, I have been left pondering where we will be taken on this adventure, and I can't wait to see it.

The audience reaction and involvement with this series has been amazing so far. It is truly awesome to flick through the comments on YouTube and to see everyone discussing who their favourite simwives are. This really just reflects how well this show is engaging the viewers. Even changes to the simwives, including the voice of Britney, has been well received by the audience. All the voice actors behind this series do a wonderful job, and this really takes the show to a whole new level.

Each and every episode is highly anticipated and for good reason. It is yet to disappoint. This series just keeps getting better!

Stay tuned for the next episode on Wednesday August 28th at 12PM (ET).

Follow @RealSimWives on Twitter for all the updates.
Subscribe to RealSimWivesHD on YouTube to never miss an episode.

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