Friday, 12 July 2013

Feature Friday: RealSimWivesHD

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the second Feature Friday, where each week I showcase one of my favourite YouTubers.

Yesterday marked a month since I launched this blog. Right from the very beginning, TheSimsBoi followed me on Twitter and has since become a loyal supporter. He is also the genius producer behind the new YouTube sensation about to hit your screens next week, The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores (RealSimWivesHD on YouTube). The RSOSS videos are of an outstanding quality, and this is what made me really pay attention to this channel. I have also been lucky enough to have already seen Episode 1 (more about that at the end of the post), and it is truly impressive. I subscribed to this channel because I loved the concept of the show, and I have continued to actively support this channel because of the video quality.

TheSimsBoi participated in the weekly Feature Friday interview, and here's how it went:

YouTube Questions 
1. How long have you had your channel?  
I have had my YouTube channel since August 2012. 
2. Out of all your videos, which is your favourite? 
 I would have to say that my favourite video is yet to be released... Episode 1 of The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores. 
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your channel?  
I have always wanted to make a series, and never thought I could. Last year I just started writing my show, and the next thing I knew I was researching how to make movies! I was intrigued and wanted to do more.
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
My favourite EP of all time would have to be "The Sims Superstar" The Sims in the recording studio was just too funny.
2. What's your favourite SP?  
My favourite SP would have to be "The Sims H&M Stuff"from the Sims 2.
3. What's your favourite world? 
My favourite world... ehh, I am stuck on this one. I would have to say it's a tie between Lucky Palms & Sunlit Tides. They are both HUGE, and include lots of earth tones. I love blues, browns and greens!
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
I have my eye on the Sims 4, but right now I am sticking to Sims 3.
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
I have been a Simmer since the very beginning. I was in the 5th grade when I was introduced to "The Sims." A friend of mine was talking about it, and I saved my pennies up to buy it. Once I started I was hooked... and here I am 13 years later.
You can connect with TheSimsBoi and The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores through the following links:

But wait, there's more! I have two big announcements relating to the RSOSS!

1. On Sunday (AEST), I will be posting a launch article based on Episode 1, before the episode has even been released to the public (I will not post any spoilers!), so stay tuned for that.

And the big announcement I've been promoting on Twitter...

2. RealSimWivesHD and Simming Away have entered a partnership! Each week after the public release of every episode, I will be bringing you RSOSS recaps and more! I am super excited about this opportunity because I promise you that this show is very impressive.

Thank you for reading this week's Feature Friday!

Episode 1 of The Real Simwives of Starlight Shores will be hitting your screens on Wednesday July 17th, at 12PM ET. 

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