Friday, 26 July 2013

Feature Friday: MajikSim

Hey Simmers! Welcome to the fourth Feature Friday, where each week I showcase one of my favourite YouTubers.

This week's featured YouTuber is MajikSim. Through his channel, Majik creates LPs, Current Household videos, Store Reviews, CAS, Mod Reviews, Live Broadcast Recaps and more. I started supporting Majik because I really enjoy his videos and he is really committed to producing the best videos he can for his subscribers. He is genuinely thankful for each person who subscribes to him and I know he has worked hard to get his channel to where it is today.

Majik is also launching a new project called TS3 Cribs, which is a series for showing off amazing houses, apartments, dorms and houseboats. It will be premiering on August 9th at 12:00PM (EST). I'm really looking forward to this!

Here are Majik's responses to the weekly Feature Friday questions:
YouTube Questions 
1. How long have you had your channel?  
Technically, I've had it since Feb 25. BUT I didn't start uploading videos until May 8, 2013. 
2. Out of all your videos, which is your favourite? 
Oh my. My favourite video of MY OWN? I have two, my Fifth Avenue Review & my Dragon Valley Live Broadcast Recap. Those were the two videos I got so many views on. It was exciting. I felt like I was getting my name out there.
3. What (or who) inspired you to a start your channel?  
Who: Quxxn, PiinkSim, & Lifesimmer. They're amazing & although quite popular, they're still very humble. What: I saw these people having so much fun playing a game I loved so much. I knew I could do what they do, I just didn't know if my personality was right, because I'm shy, socially awkward, & can be very quiet. As I learned though, I can just be myself in my videos, if people don't like my videos, it's upsetting, but there are more people who will like me & my videos. I took what I learned from other simmers & started uploading! Also, I wanted to be more in the simming community & this was just the thing I needed to get me out there. Might I add, I'm having a blast! 
The Sims Questions 
1. What's your favourite EP?  
I have four from The Sims 3! Pets, Seasons, University Life, & Island Paradise. I don't know if I can narrow it down. I love them so much. They opened up the game & put it at a whole different level for me. If it wasn't for these four games, I probably wouldn't be playing The Sims anymore. I'd be waiting for something amazing to release. Don't get me wrong, I love The Sims 3. It was just getting BLAH to me.
The Sims 2: Pets, University, & Open For Business. Just like with The Sims 3, these games changed TS2 around & it became very fun for me again. 
The Sims 1: All of them, because that's where the obsession began! :D 
Disclaimer: I have always been a sims fan. I just get bored with things easily. I'll be obsessed with console gameplay for 6 months, then the sims, then console, etc, haha. Just had to add that. I don't stop being a sims fan, then start again.
2. What's your favourite SP?  
Diesel, by far! It's perfect to me. I love the male CAS items.
3. What's your favourite world? 
From EP's: I'd have to say Sunset Valley, Bridgeport, Appaloosa Plains, Isla Paradiso & although it isn't a world you can live in forever, the University Life world is amazing also. 
The Sims 3 Store Worlds: Sunlit Tides, Aurora Skies, & Dragon Valley. 
Sorry, I can't just pick ONE. It's too difficult. Each world adds something amazing & different to The Sims. The store world adds something the worlds from EP's just weren't giving me. But they're all amazing & very beautiful.
4. Are you thinking about buying the Sims 4? 
I am very conflicted :/ I love The Sims franchise & I want to support EA & Maxis, but I just don't think they're going to WOW us like they did with The Sims 3. I know I'll buy it, well most likely, but still thinking about it.
5. How long have you played The Sims? 
I have been simming since 2000, I was 8 years old. My sisters introduced The Sims to me when I went to my dads for a summer. Ever since then, I've been deeply obsessed & in love with The Sims.
Additionally to the interview, Majik wanted to add some closing words for his supporters:
I just want to thank everyone who has subscribed to me or that may subscribe to me overtime. I am very grateful & appreciative for the support. No one has no idea how much it means to me that people actually enjoy my videos. I started this for something to do while I'm off from college, but it easily turned into something I'm very serious about & that is very important to me. At the end of the day, I'm just a person who loves simming & entertaining. Being in the sim community has changed my life, it's made me less socially awkward & more interactive with people. I try to be friendly & informational for any newer Let's Player, viewer, & subscriber. No matter what, I will always stay humble. & a bit of advice, don't let anyone knock you down. We all get better with time, nothing happens overnight. I believe all simmers should support each other. I support every single person who supports me. I hope everyone who watches my videos, enjoy them. My subscribers & new friends mean a lot to me. So once again, I thank you all. Stay Golden!
You can support Majik and TS3 Cribs through the following links:

Don't forget to check out the premiere of TS3 Cribs on August 9th at 12:00PM (EST)!

Thank you for reading this week's Feature Friday!

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